Copyright © 2010-2015 That GOOD GOOD Blog. All Rights Reserved.
Good Good [gud-gud], noun.
Items of high quality & relevance; excellence. Matters that are interesting & worthy of discussion. Objects which could only be admired and appreciated by those of refined taste. A concept thats meaning has been lowered by those who use the term in less than impressive matters; however, I plan on lifting the term to newer heights. As far as I am concerned, that GOOD GOOD refers to all which is completely, genuinely, and most definitely fly. From fashion that only those drowning in style and swagger could ever understand to music that only those with a knowledge of notes & an ear for what is real can truly value & everything in between.
| Never Jaded | joli brouillon | dottie | Hypstercult | The Prestige | BOWTIE AFFAIRS | creative silence | Lohi's Creations | Brown Script | That African Girl | Be Real Be Happy | EssenseVibez | Zelda + Festus | Airali's Passion | Eccentric without Reason | Passion.Fruit | Ju'lia Catherine | Electrik Sunset | unsung dots | Candid Cinni | TraFrican | Afrolicious | BAILEY SHAQ |