January 17, 2015

Writers Wanted

For the past few years, I have been the sole writer for this blog. I can’t begin to describe how beautiful of an experience it has been to share my interests and ideas with all of you – I've learned so myself and others through curating That GOOD GOOD Blog. However, as many of you have undoubtedly noticed, things have been a bit quiet on my end for quite some time (I've had a lengthy spell of writer’s block, if you will). Although I've been away, I am still very much invested in this creative space, and eager to see what new directions I can take That GOOD GOOD Blog in. So now, after much thought and careful consideration, I feel that this is the perfect time to open my blog as a platform for more than just my own work. This space will greatly benefit from the diverse contributions of other writers & thinkers who share my passion for writing, art, music, style, and entrepreneurship. 

If you or someone you know would be interested in becoming a writer for That GOOD GOOD Blog, please send an e-mail to thatgoodgoodblog@gmail.com with the following information:

-Your name, age, and location
-A brief description about yourself
-Any links to your blog/tumblr/instagram/youtube channel/facebook fan page (it’s okay if you don’t have all of these, send whatever you do)
-At least 1 sample of your writing, but feel free to send more if you wish 


I'm hoping to find 2 or 3 people to contribute regularly as a start with me functioning as an editor/writer, and we will build upon that as I see fit. Guys are more than welcome to contribute too, of course - this blog isn't just for the ladies. I am very excited to see what comes of this new direction, and more than ready to see That GOOD GOOD Blog return bigger and better than ever.

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